November 6 – There’s Nothing Like a Sunday in Africa!

There is nothing like a Sunday in Africa. And, more specifically, a Sunday at Pastor Lawrence Kunda’s Eternal Life Church. You have never seen or heard anything like an African church praising God. NEVER. Ask Pastor Julia if you don’t believe me. Or Wendy Lee. They will back me up!

We all gave greetings, but Pastor Pat had the honor of delivering the message this morning. He did a great job and was a real encouragement to all those present this morning. I will never forget his illustration of rafting down the Colorado River, making sure you are aware of the surrounding dangers, but keeping your eyes squarely fixed on the river ahead. If we could learn to apply this in our daily lives, I am sure that those difficulties we think are so insurmountable would quickly diminish in size and concern.

After church, we hosted Pastor Lawrence, his wife Emelda, Pastor Lewis, and “Mary” to a wonderful lunch at the Zambezi Source Lodge. Not as fancy as it sounds, but if it is the company that makes a meal special, this one was truly grand!

Now I am back at Tuskers, relaxing and updating my blog. Hopefully I will get a chance to send it (and the previous couple of days’ versions) to you shortly. Feast or famine I guess..

I wish every one of you had the opportunity to come to Kabwe and experience the joy of being among such wonderful people. It is something you wouldn’t soon forget.

Rick out.







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